BailWhen you parachute out of your plane, given that you have enough altitude to escape your plane.
AIShort for Artificial Intelligence, computer driven drones that perform a set mission and programmed before hand.
AI KillsAny kill awarded for destroying an AI driven vehicle.
ActiveOnly active or participating squads are tracked, leaving squads are removed and all their pilots listed as unclaimed until they join another one.
AssistsRecorded if you hit someone that ends up losing their plane eventually, but the kill is given to someone else.
BadBailMeans you died while attempting a bail, usually because you were too low to do so (in old logs, pre T4T, this was an indication of being captured).
BailThe pilot successfully left their plane and bailed to safety via parachute.
CapturedAnytime you ditch or bail over enemy territory, it is ruled a capture.
COCommanding Officer, in charge of frame orders and operations for their side.
ChuteYou may see this in some stats as the ride/plane when awards were given to a pilot who had parachuted and was still in the air.
DamagedThe number of unique ground objects you inflicted damage to or in the case of a squad, they did damage to.
Destroyed (BDA)This is rewarded when an ground object is destroyed and awarded to the last pilot to do damage to it.
DiscoWhen you get get disconnected from the game server.
Disco-ChuteOccurs when you disco while in the chute and has no bearing on S3 scores.
Disco-DamagedAnytime your plane is hit by a single bullet and you end up discoing. Usually ruled like a bail.
Disco-NoDamageIf you disco without receiving any hits on your plane, pilots are allowed to re-enter the frame and fly in this situation.
DitchThis is anytime you get your plane on the ground and live, but are too far from a friendly field to rule it a successful landing.
ExplosionThis is when your plane blows up before you even had a chance to bail, or crashed severly.
FrameA several hour long event, part of a series, pilots lossing their planes in a frame are out for the rest of that frame.
Gate CrasherSomeone who is not a member of an invited squad, yet logs in and plays anyway, very frowned upon with the possibility of banishment.
HitLog entries detailing damage given to ground objects.
iENiEntertainment Network, the owners and producers of Warbirds.
JanitorsThe term given to those running and organizing S3's.
Killed In Action (KIA)Both the pilot and plane are lost, includes Midair, Explosion, Pkill, and Warped events.
KillsA kill is recorded anytime you deny a human pilot from getting his plane home.
Kills per Shot DownNumber of credited kills you have, divied by how many times you were someone else's credit (Kamikazes are subtracted out).
LaunchesAny time someone goes on the runway, a launch is recorded.
LifeIn reference to stats, includes all known data on a pilot/squad that exists in the database.
LogsAll of a frame's action is stored in a log which is used to create stats. S3 lives and dies by the log and changes to it are never forthcoming. It sees all. :)
Lost PlaneAnytime an airframe is lost, but the pilot lives, includes ditches, bails, and discoes with damage.
MidairWhen a collision occurs on the users front end with an enemy airframe.
Missing In Action (MIA)Anytime someone launched a plane but never recorded an end to the sorty, occurs when players are in the air beyond the frame end, may be a negative number if a launch occurred before the log was started.
PKillThis is when the pilot is killed, either by bullets or runway accidents.
ReturnedThis is the number of times you successfully landed and exited a sorty.
S3Stands for Squadron Select Series, a multiple frame event played in Warbirds, closed to organized squads, and put on by players.
S6Squadron Select Series Super Simple Scorer, the parser and code that makes up this online stats site.
SeriesA group of frames forming a multi-week long scenario, usually indicated by 3 letters abbreviating the official title.
SquadAn organized and officially recognized group of pilots in Warbirds.
StatsInformation gathered from the raw logs of a frame.
TimestampLogs do not have a timestamp with every entry, but they do have a time entry every couple of minutes, a timestamp on an event will be the last recorded time before that event happened or "frame start" which means no timestamp was available yet in the log.
TOTStands for Tons On Target, a value increased on a large target by dropping ordinance on it, when after a certain value it will close and rebuild at a steady rate.
TOT PointsThe amount of damage done to a target's TOT value.
TonnageIdication in the raw logs of TOT damage inflicted to a field.
UnclaimedThese are pilots not associated with a squad, which may be due to the squad disbanding,a new pilot not yet reported, or a gate crasher.
WarbirdsThe online WWII flight sim used to simulate historical aerial combat, produced by iEN.
WarpedIn logs pre T4T, this was a botched attempt of the pilot in bailing, usually because the plane was too low (see BadBail).